Reduce your hiring time: Connect with the best tech and digital talent in minutes

An alternative to LinkedIn

Post your job vacancies for free, receive referrals by AI with validated skills, and access on-demand recruiters to streamline your hiring process.

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+4000 validated talents hired by companies such as:



hiring effectiveness ratio


of validated tech and digital talent on the platform

1 min

delivery time of candidates with AI

72 hours

maximum delivery time of candidates via hunting

What our clients say:

"We are very satisfied with the quality of the candidates provided by Talently. They helped us find our CTO, Martín, who turned out to be a great fit for the company."

HR Manager — Kigo Parkimovi

Daniela Ortega

HR Manager — Kigo Parkimovi

"Talently has helped Kodefree find quality candidates who have stayed in the company, which is a key benefit. The close support and understanding from the recruitment team, our Talently representative, has been invaluable in improving the recruitment process and ensuring more suitable candidates."

Fundador de Kodefree

Iván Fernandez

Fundador de Kodefree

"The experience with Talently has been excellent, the positive aspects were the speed of candidate delivery and the continuous assistance in everything we need. The platform is also very intuitive and useful, in addition to the communication and guidance of the team."

CEO de Calendico

Miguel Morkin

CEO de Calendico

"Talently was key to speeding up our hiring process. Having their support saved us many hours as we received well-prepared candidates, familiar with our technologies and challenges. Now, we use Talently in all our selection processes."

CEO y co-founder de uDocz

Carlos Effio

CEO y co-founder de uDocz

Take care of the most important areas of the business, we'll focus on attracting the best team.

All tech and digital profiles in one place

Tech and Data

Full Stack

Product and Design

Product Manager
Project Manager
Product Designer
UX Designer
UI Designer


Sales Manager
SD / Inside Sales
Account Executive
Account Manager
Busines Developer


Marketing Manager
Growth Marketing
Content Manager
Product Marketing
Performance Marketing

Ready to start your talent search?

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How does Talently work? This is how we optimize your recruitment processes.

We pre-validate your applicants

Applicants complete exams to verify if they are what your offer needs.

Referred by AI

We automate your Sourcing process by having our AI search our pre-validated talent pool for matches with your job offer. This way, you can receive referrals instantly.

Expert help from our team

If even so you do not have the hands to manage the process our team of experts takes care of taking your process from start to finish.

Pre-validated Candidates

Quickly verify on our platform if a candidate has been validated by us.

Suggested by AI

Receive references in minutes with AI

Scale your company and business by accessing the best price

Hire Free

  • Cost
  • Initial payment
  • Warranty
    Not applicable
  • Access to the platform
  • Assigned recruiter
  • Minimum contract duration
    Not applicable
  • Recommendations with Artificial Intelligence
  • Continuous access to talent
  • Dedicated support
  • Cost
    15% of the annual salary
  • Initial payment
  • Warranty
    3 months
  • Access to the platform
  • Assigned recruiter
  • Minimum contract duration
    Not applicable
  • Recommendations with Artificial Intelligence
  • Continuous access to talent
  • Dedicated support
More popular
  • Cost
    10% of the annual salary
  • Initial payment
  • Warranty
    3 months
  • Access to the platform
  • Assigned recruiter
  • Minimum contract duration
    Not applicable
  • Recommendations with Artificial Intelligence
  • Continuous access to talent
  • Dedicated support

Fractional Recruiter

  • Cost
    From USD 500 per month
  • Initial payment
  • Warranty
    No warranty
  • Access to the platform
  • Assigned recruiter
  • Minimum contract duration
    3 months
  • Recommendations with Artificial Intelligence
  • Continuous access to talent
  • Dedicated support

Frequently Asked Questions

Talently is a recruitment platform specialized in tech and digital talent. By posting your job offer, our AI filters pre-validated candidates from our base of over 100,000 professionals. If you choose our PRO plan, you will have access to a wider talent pool prioritizing the closure of your vacancies, as well as a hiring specialist who will assist you throughout the process. PRO has an effectiveness of 93% between 21-36d, saving 40% of recruitment time.
With Talently you can cover a wide range of positions both technological and digital. We include tech roles such as Fullstack developers, Front-end, Back-end, DevOps, QA, and Data Science profiles such as data engineers. In addition, we also cover key positions in areas such as sales, marketing, product, and UX/UI, allowing you to hire from Sales Managers to Product Managers and UX/UI designers.
Thanks to our AI technology, you can access candidates in a matter of seconds. In our PRO plan, our clients hire on average within a range of 21 - 36 days after posting a job offer.
In Talently we cover all levels of experience. Whether you are looking for a software developer, a data specialist, or a product leader, our platform connects you with professionals verified in their level of expertise.
All our candidates go through a rigorous technical and English validation process. They take technical tests to validate their skills and, if you select the PRO plan, they also undergo exhaustive interviews with our recruitment specialists. We evaluate both their technical competencies and soft skills, ensuring that they are fully aligned with your company's needs.
With Talently Free, you can access our platform for free and start searching for candidates on your own. This plan includes up to 3 active vacancies, unlimited access to candidates with technical tests and validated English. With Talently Pro, in addition to all the Free features, you have access to benefits such as a hiring specialist, prioritization of your vacancies, candidate hunting, and personalized salary recommendations.
No. In both plans, you can search for and contact as many candidates as you need. However, in the PRO plan, you will receive direct recommendations and assistance from our specialists to ensure that you find the ideal candidate more quickly and efficiently.
No. In both plans, you can search for and contact as many candidates as you need. However, in the PRO plan, you will receive direct recommendations and assistance from our specialists to ensure that you find the ideal candidate more quickly and efficiently.
Each candidate on our platform has been validated by technical tests designed to measure their skills in development, data, UX/UI, and other digital fields. In addition, candidates selected by our specialists in the PRO plan also undergo detailed interviews that validate not only their technical competencies, but also their soft skills, experience, and cultural fit.
In the PRO plan, you will have a dedicated hiring specialist who will take care of the entire recruitment process: from hunting specific candidates to negotiating the offer. Additionally, you will have priority on the platform, ensuring greater visibility for your vacancies and a faster process to hire the talent you are looking for.

Talently is designed to be flexible and adapt to the needs of different types of companies.:

  • Corporates: They can cover a variety of specialized roles in tech, product, sales, and marketing, with optimized processes and continuous support..
  • Startups: They quickly access qualified talent to accelerate their growth..
  • IT Agencies/Consulting Firms: They easily scale their tech and digital equipment to adapt to their clients' needs..
Of course! Talently is designed to be flexible, so your recruitment team can take advantage of both our Free and PRO options, especially if your team is not specialized in tech and/or digital profiles. They will be able to access our database of over 100,000 validated candidates, perform advanced searches, and contact candidates who best fit their vacancies directly.
Talently focuses exclusively on validated tech and digital talent, while LinkedIn covers professionals from all industries. In Talently, candidates undergo technical and English tests, ensuring their quality before being presented to companies. In addition, our AI filters and recommends candidates aligned with the specific requirements of each vacancy. In the Pro plan, we offer specialized support with dedicated recruiters, something that LinkedIn does not provide.