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Start applyingWhat should you know to hire programmers?
In our blog we love to write about market trends, tips for recruiting programmers, and much more. Check it out.
Essential tools for hiring talent
Save time and connect with talent for your projects in record time. These tools can help make your hiring process easier.

Notion templates
Emmanuel Barturen
(FREE) Notion tool to manage your company's talent

For recruiters
Isaías Culqui
Salary calculator based on tech stack

For developers
Cristian Vega
List of 7 portals to hire software developers in LATAM
🧑💻 Salary of a programmer according to technology
How much does a Visual Basic developer earn?How much does a Postman developer earn?How much does a MSSQL developer earn?How much does a API REST developer earn?How much does a DevSecOps developer earn?How much does a Openshift developer earn?How much does a WEB API developer earn?How much does a quarkus developer earn?