Bogota - Colombia

Fullstack Developer

Sergio Arenas 👋

I am a Software Developer with 2+ years of experience. My main functions have been turning Figma designs into functional interfaces and components using React, TypeScript, and SAAS. I have led comprehensive projects, including an application for a construction company. I developed the app with React Native, created the API, handled the backend with NestJS, and managed the database with MySQL. I am committed to delivering efficient and robust solutions.

Industrias en las que he trabajado:

  • Startups medianas
  • Startups en formación
  • Compañías Tech
  • eSports

2Años de experienciacomo Fullstack Developer

2 Años de experiencia en ecosistemas React NativeyJavaScript Front-End
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Stack principal

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Skill icon for skill named React Native

React Native

experience:1 año
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Skill icon for skill named JavaScript Front-End

JavaScript Front-End

experience:2 años
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Skill icon for skill named React JS

React JS

experience:2 años

Lenguajes y tecnologías

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Skill icon for skill named TypeScript


experience:2 años
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Skill icon for skill named Node.js


experience:1 año

Industrias de interés

Estoy interesado en conocer y trabajar en las industrias y empresas de este sector.

  • Startups medianas
  • Startups en formación
  • Compañías Tech
  • eSports