
Back-End Developer

Oscar David Riobamba Ortega 👋

Hi there! My name is David Riobamba, and I'm a software developer with eight years of experience under my belt. I've spent a lot of time working with Python, Django, Javascript, CSS, HTML, and ReactJS, and I have to say, I really enjoy the challenge of building software solutions with these technologies. My passion for software development led me to pursue a Master's degree in Software Engineering, where I honed my skills even further. I've had the opportunity to work on some amazing projects, from designing complex backend systems to building responsive user interfaces.

Industrias en las que he trabajado:

  • Startups en formación
  • Startups medianas
  • Compañías Tech
  • Fábrica de software
  • Inteligencia Artificial
  • Aprendizaje automático

8Años de experienciacomo Back-End Developer

3 años comoTeam Leadercon 9 personas a cargo
8 Años de experiencia en ecosistemas Django
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Stack principal

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Skill icon for skill named Django


experience:8 años

Lenguajes y tecnologías

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Skill icon for skill named Python


experience:8 años
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Skill icon for skill named JavaScript Front-End

JavaScript Front-End

experience:4 años

Industrias de interés

Estoy interesado en conocer y trabajar en las industrias y empresas de este sector.

  • Startups en formación
  • Startups medianas
  • Compañías Tech
  • Fábrica de software
  • Inteligencia Artificial
  • Aprendizaje automático