Montevideo - Uruguay

Fullstack Developer

Nicolás Reyes Scaiano 👋

I'm a software developer who was originally more experienced on backend and later transitioned towards full-stack. I'm driven by a strong passion for learning and solving people's problems. I enjoy exploring complex abstract ideas and I have a never-ending curiosity that leads me into the deepest ends in order to figure things out. I understand that struggle is an unavoidable part of the journey of life. I truly believe that to move forward, one must face the fear of failure and be ready to accept their mistakes; this is the only path towards honest achievement and I try my best to live by it.

Industrias en las que he trabajado:

  • Inteligencia Artificial
  • Tecnología financiera
  • Aprendizaje automático
  • Comercio electrónico
  • Inteligencia artificial
  • Servicios de streaming
  • Tecnología educativa
  • Fábrica de software
  • Compañías Tech
  • Startups medianas
  • Startups en formación

5Años de experienciacomo Fullstack Developer

1 año comoTeam Leadercon 3 personas a cargo
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Lenguajes y tecnologías



experience:5 años


experience:5 años

Industrias de interés

Estoy interesado en conocer y trabajar en las industrias y empresas de este sector.

  • Inteligencia Artificial
  • Tecnología financiera
  • Aprendizaje automático
  • Comercio electrónico
  • Inteligencia artificial
  • Servicios de streaming
  • Tecnología educativa
  • Fábrica de software
  • Compañías Tech
  • Startups medianas
  • Startups en formación