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Lima - Perú
Front-End Developer
Marianny Salcedo 👋
As a software engineer, I have experience in web development, working on both backend and frontend systems. While my expertise lies primarily in the latter, I am highly adaptable and collaborative, having spent years contributing to both small and large teams. I have worked with a variety of frameworks, including JavaScript, Angular, React, and Express. However, I take great pleasure in continuously learning new technologies and techniques to expand my toolbox of solutions.
Industrias de interés:
- Software factory
- FashionTech
- HealthTech
- HR Tech
- EdTech
- Fintech
- FoodTech
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Redes sociales del candidato
8Años de experienciacomo Front-End Developer
8 Años de experiencia trabajando con Angular 2+
Cursos y certificaciones
Habilidades principales
Angular 2+
experience:8 años
Habilidades adicionales
experience:8 años
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experience:8 años
Industrias de interés
Estoy interesado en conocer y trabajar en las industrias y empresas de este sector.
- Software factory
- FashionTech
- HealthTech
- HR Tech
- EdTech
- Fintech
- FoodTech