Lima - Perú

Front-End Developer

Laura Jimenez 👋

Front-end developer with more than 2 years of experience in developing highly interactive web applications. Currently focused on JavaScript, ReactJS, TypeScript, CSS and integration with RESTFUL API's. I have previous experience developing with React native, nodeJS, NestJS and GraphQL. I consider myself a collaborative person who enjoys supporting others and at the same time learning from them. As a member of a SCRUM team I am always looking for solutions to work challenges. I am interested in deepening my knowledge in Machine Learning, Functional Programming and Big Data.

Industrias de interés:

  • Software factory
  • Banca
  • Servicios de streaming
  • ONG

2Años de experienciacomo Front-End Developer

2 Años de experiencia trabajando con JavaScriptyTypeScript
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  • Front-end developer


    August 2020 - January 2021

Cursos y certificaciones

Habilidades principales



experience:2 años
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experience:2 años
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Habilidades adicionales

React JS

React JS

experience:2 años
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experience:1 año
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Otras habilidades

Habilidades complementarias a mis conocimientos en metodologías, procesos, plataformas y software previamente utilizados.

  • Agile
  • Gitflow
  • Linear
  • Scrum
  • Slack
  • TeamWork
  • Trello
  • Notion
  • Azure Boards

Industrias de interés

Estoy interesado en conocer y trabajar en las industrias y empresas de este sector.

  • Software factory
  • Banca
  • Servicios de streaming
  • ONG
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