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João Pessoa - Brasil
Front-End Developer
Jonathas Germano de Oliveira 👋
Full stack engineer from Brazil with a strong focus on front end development. My 6+ years of experience span various industries and countries, including on-site work in Brazil and India and remote collaboration with teams in Latin America and the U.S. over the last four years. I've always been engaged in projects that enhance the developer experience of the whole team and the company as a whole, mostly by developing and improving component libraries and other tooling in the teams I had the opportunity to collaborate with.
Industrias de interés:
- Compañías Tech
- Tecnología financiera
- Tecnología de RRHH
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6Años de experienciacomo Front-End Developer
6 Años de experiencia trabajando con JavaScriptyReact JS
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Diploma, Informatics for Internet
UNEPI - União de Pesquisa e Ensino Integrada
September 2013 - November 2014
Cursos y certificaciones
Habilidades principales
experience:6 años
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React JS
experience:5 años
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experience:6 años
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Habilidades adicionales
experience:6 años
Tailwind css
experience:3 años
Industrias de interés
Estoy interesado en conocer y trabajar en las industrias y empresas de este sector.
- Compañías Tech
- Tecnología financiera
- Tecnología de RRHH