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Fullstack Developer

harry gutierrez 👋

As a Full Stack Developer, I specialize in Laravel and TALL stack integration, creating robust and high-performing web applications. Skilled in JavaScript, Vue, Vuex, and Laravel Nova, I also develop successful mobile apps for iOS and Android using Flutter and React Native. My problem-solving abilities, collaborative mindset, and excellent communication skills allow me to contribute effectively to any project, ensuring client satisfaction and staying up-to-date with industry trends.

Industrias en las que he trabajado:

  • Startups en formación
  • Startups medianas

12Años de experienciacomo Fullstack Developer

2 años comoTeam Member Helpercon 5 personas a cargo
6 Años de experiencia en ecosistemas JavaScript Front-EndyReact Native
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Stack principal

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Skill icon for skill named JavaScript Front-End

JavaScript Front-End

experience:6 años
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Skill icon for skill named React Native

React Native

experience:6 años
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Skill icon for skill named Flutter


experience:5 años

Lenguajes y tecnologías

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Skill icon for skill named PHP


experience:14 años
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Skill icon for skill named Laravel


experience:9 años

Industrias de interés

Estoy interesado en conocer y trabajar en las industrias y empresas de este sector.

  • Startups en formación
  • Startups medianas