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Fullstack Developer
Edwin Joel Bonifacio Chanca 👋
Full-Stack developer with more than 12 years of experience developing web solutions with .Net, PHP, NodeJS, React and Vue. I’ve worked on projects for different companies and government entities. Likewise, I am an expert in the use, administration and development of SharePoint and Office 365 with MCSE SharePoint Certification. I consider myself a self-taught and enthusiastic about technology, mainly cloud and front end technology. I’m very interested in contributing to world-class projects and being part of a team that I can help by contributing my experience.
Industrias de interés:
- Software factory
- IoT
- Fintech
- Servicios de streaming
- Comercio electrónico
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Redes sociales del candidato
14Años de experienciacomo Fullstack Developer
Cursos y certificaciones
Teams Administrator Associate
MCSE SharePoint & Productivity
Habilidades principales
.NET Framework
Habilidades adicionales
React JS
Otras habilidades
Habilidades complementarias a mis conocimientos en metodologías, procesos, plataformas y software previamente utilizados.
- Scrum
- Trello
- Microsoft Project
- Slack
- Asana
- Office365
Industrias de interés
Estoy interesado en conocer y trabajar en las industrias y empresas de este sector.
- Software factory
- IoT
- Fintech
- Servicios de streaming
- Comercio electrónico