Vue JS
Aplicado en 1 experiencia laboral
- Gubernamental
Professional fullstack with +10 year experience participating in projects of implementation of Computer Solutions as coordinator for different types of business solutions. Experience in the management of Programming with Java, Typescript, JasperReports and PHP; as well as development in frameworks such as JSF, Spring, Codeigniter, Laravel, Vue, Angular; administration of JBoss, Apache and Glassfish Web Servers, Geoserver, Kubernete. As well as experience in the management of database managers such as MongoDB, SQLSERVER, Sybase, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle
Aplicado en 1 experiencia laboral
Habilidades complementarias a mis conocimientos en metodologías, procesos, plataformas y software previamente utilizados.
Estoy interesado en conocer y trabajar en las industrias y empresas de este sector.