Bogota - Colombia

Back-End Developer

Braejan Arias 👋

Software engineer. I enjoy developing software, especially backend working with languages like Golang, Java, Solidity, Haskell and Kotlin. I have skills to create, design, develop and implement software based solutions. I have knowledge in AWS Cloud implementing solutions in S3, DynamoDB, Lambda functions, Apigateway, EC2 among others. I had worked with agiles methodologies like SCRUM and the implementations of different architectures like TDD, DDD, MVC among others. Git for managing repositories. I consider learning every day is the way to grow up in tech.

Industrias en las que he trabajado:

  • Criptografía
  • Compañías Tech
  • Inteligencia Artificial
  • Tecnología educativa
  • Banca

10Años de experienciacomo Back-End Developer

3 años comoTeam Leadercon 10 personas a cargo
6 Años de experiencia en ecosistemas Oracle DBySQL
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Stack principal

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Skill icon for skill named Oracle DB

Oracle DB

experience:6 años
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Skill icon for skill named SQL


experience:6 años
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Skill icon for skill named Go


experience:2 años

Lenguajes y tecnologías

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Skill icon for skill named Kotlin


experience:1 año
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Skill icon for skill named Solidity


experience:1 año

Otras habilidades

Habilidades complementarias a mis conocimientos en metodologías, procesos, plataformas y software previamente utilizados.

  • Agile
  • Confluence
  • Gitflow
  • KanBan
  • Scrum
  • Slack
  • Trello

Industrias de interés

Estoy interesado en conocer y trabajar en las industrias y empresas de este sector.

  • Criptografía
  • Compañías Tech
  • Inteligencia Artificial
  • Tecnología educativa
  • Banca