Popayán - Colombia

Data Science / Data Engineer

Andres Felipe Escallon Portilla 👋

As a certified Data Scientist, I have strengthened my skills and experience in data science (backend/frontend) and BI, working with ML/DL, predictive modeling, statistical analysis, NLP, and data visualization, within the academic and business context, developing solutions to specific requirements of companies through projects linked to Universities and SENA, and a complete Data Science project (MinTIC and Correlation One agreement), to provide a solution to Universidad Autónoma de Occidente (students´ population characterization/prediction). I am currently developing R+D+i projects.

Industrias en las que he trabajado:

  • Compañías Tech
  • Inteligencia Artificial
  • Aprendizaje automático
  • Fábrica de software
  • Inteligencia artificial
  • Gubernamental

20Años de experienciacomo Data Science / Data Engineer

4 años comoTeam Leadercon 6 personas a cargo
5 Años de experiencia en ecosistemas PandasyPython
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Stack principal

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Skill icon for skill named Pandas


experience:5 años
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Skill icon for skill named Python


experience:5 años
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Skill icon for skill named tensorflow


experience:5 años

Lenguajes y tecnologías

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Skill icon for skill named Java


experience:15 años
JavaScript Back-End

JavaScript Back-End

experience:2 años

Otras habilidades

Habilidades complementarias a mis conocimientos en metodologías, procesos, plataformas y software previamente utilizados.

  • Agile
  • Airtable
  • Extreme Programing - XP
  • Gitflow
  • KanBan
  • Lean
  • Linear
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Notion
  • Scrum
  • Slack
  • Trello
  • Waterfall

Industrias de interés

Estoy interesado en conocer y trabajar en las industrias y empresas de este sector.

  • Compañías Tech
  • Inteligencia Artificial
  • Aprendizaje automático
  • Fábrica de software
  • Inteligencia artificial
  • Gubernamental