
The best Tech Talent to boost your company's growth

At Talently we connect your company with the best developers in Latam. Solve inefficient processes, save time and money in your search for tech talent.

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Why is Talently Hire your best tech recruitment option?

+5000 developers ready to work

+5000 developers ready to work

Access a database of more than 5,000 vetted developers, available to join your company.
Vetting of technical skills guaranteed

Vetting of technical skills guaranteed

Pre-vetted candidates have passed a rigorous assessment process designed by our experts.
Matching based on Machine Learning

Matching based on Machine Learning

Our algorithm enables sourcing criteria customisation, assuring perfect talent fit for your needs.

Get to know our products

We have different products suitable for specific hiring needs


Talently Suscription

  • Pay a monthly fee and enjoy special prices for each new hire while your membership is active
  • Mid-senior and senior talent in active job search with immediate hiring availability.
  • Delivery of 100% vetted professionals 72 hours after receiving your request.
  • Delivery of 100% vetted developers Personalized service after your request is submitted.
  • Hiring guarantee for 6 months.
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Talently Hire (one time hire)

  • You pay as you hire
  • Mid-senior and senior talent in active job search with immediate hiring availability.
  • Delivery of 100% vetted developers 72 hours after your request is submitted.
  • Personalized support and follow-up for each of your vacancies.
  • 3 months hiring guarantee.
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Talently Staffing

  • We design, recruit and manage a high-performance tech team for your company for as long as you need it.
  • We reduce your hiring time and costs due to our extensive database of qualified tech talent and our automated recruiting processes.
  • We take care of compliance with regards of hiring processes, management and payroll of the squad chosen for your company.
  • If any team member or does not meet your expectations, we replace them at zero cost.
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How does Talently Hire work?


Send us the tech profiles you need to hire


Receive a list of the best candidates within 72 hours


Interview the candidates and give us your feedback


Hire the best tech talent in the market!

Talently Hire in numbers


Developers ready to work for your company


Companies have already hired their Tech Talent through Talently Hire


Tech roles available to fill your vacancies

Talently on the media

Learn how we will transform Latin America into the world's largest Technology Talent Hub

Bloomberg Línea
Business Insider
El economista

Frequently Asked Questions about Talently Hire

In case of low-performance, is there any kind of guarantee?

Talently offers you a 6-month guarantee, equivalent to a probation period for each talent you hire. With this, we commit to replace the talent if needed during this period.

What kind of technical skills validation do the referred candidates undergo?

Our developers undergo rigorous technical tests designed to assess the level of knowledge in each skill required for the vacancy.

These tests allow us to measure the level of technical knowledge to accurately compute the candidate's compatibility with the position

Do the referred candidates go through english assessments, or do they count on international certifications?
Our talents undertake an English language assessment to validate their language proficiency levels. The test evaluates grammar, reading, writing and verbal communication skills level.

You are one step away from connecting with the best Tech Talent to drive your business growth 👉

Where Latam's best tech talent and global companies meet
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